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Coaching Courses & Schedules

Please note that you MUST have a “Trained” or “Certified” status to be approved.*

First things first:

  1. Check our Team Staff Requirements page to ensure you know what you need.
  2. To see what you have, check your NCCP Locker Account, and review your Pathway and Status.
  3. Information on how to register is here, or check this one-page walk-through.
  4. For information about other courses that can give you PD points and renew a status, check here.

*If you’re having trouble logging into either your NCCP or Ringette Canada coaching accounts, do NOT create a new profile. Email Bronwen for an account reset.

The deadline to complete the requirements for your pathway is December 15th of each playing season. 

*with the exception of CI Evaluation which has until January 31.

Ringette Canada has deadlines for coaches attending the Canadian National Ringette Championship, which is typically a few weeks before the start of the competition. The National Ringette League also has additional deadlines for their coaches. 

Need to switch dates or withdraw from a clinic: email Bronwen.

Before taking the CSI or CI clinics, coaches must complete the multi-sport Coach Initiation in Sport eModule. Often during coaches’ week (end of September), this course is FREE.

It is not necessary to take the sport-specific CSI before taking CI, as they are not interchangeable, but intended for different contexts.

Local associations will deal with reimbursement once you have completed your course. Try contacting your coaching director first, and they will give further instructions.

If you need a copy of your PayPal receipt, email Bronwen. We can only provide receipts for courses registered through Ringette Canada’s site, you would have to contact the NCCP Locker directly for their receipts.

If you’re having trouble logging into either your NCCP or Ringette Canada coaching accounts, do NOT create a new profile. Email Bronwen for an account reset.

Coach Initiation in Sport eModule

Coach Initiation eModule is a requirement to complete most pathways. It is also the ONLY requirement for Junior Coaches, On-Ice Assistants (at any level), and ALL Active Start coaches. Check this document to see if you need it as part of your pathway, or check the Pathways tab on your NCCP Locker account.

To access the course, go to the NCCP Locker, login or create an account, and click on the eLearning page. The Coach Initiation in Sport eModule is under “multi-sport”.

Community Sport Initiation (CSI) - U14C, U12B/C, U10

Everyone must complete the Coach Initiation in Sport eModule before attending this clinic. If the course you were hoping for is full, register for another course that could work for you and email Bronwen to be placed on a wait list.

  • ALL sessions are in-person and you must be able to attend for the duration of the course to receive credit.
  • You should expect to miss a team event or two – everyone does. Do not wait until you have zero conflicts to register!

Remaining courses with availability as of November 16, 2023


Log into your Ringette Canada coaching account and scroll down to the Community Sport Initiation area. (screen shots below) When you select “register” it will take you to the screen below where you can select the date and location that you prefer. If nothing is showing up, make sure that the province and year are accurate.

Competition Introduction (CI) - U12A, U14, U16, U19

Before you’ll be able to register for the CI clinic, you will have to complete the Pre-Clinic workbook online in your Ringette Canada coaching accountThe ‘register’ button won’t appear until the pre-work is complete. If the course you were hoping for is full, register for another course that could work for you and email Bronwen to be placed on a wait list.

MAY 2024: Use these documents instead of what’s in the Ringette Canada Locker:

Pre-Clinic Task


  • ALL sessions are in-person and you must be able to attend for the duration of the clinic to receive credit
  • You should expect to miss a team event or two – everyone does. Do not wait until you have zero conflicts to register

Spring 2024 Comp Intro coaching courses

Calgary and Sherwood Park/Edmonton. Coaches must attend all 4 in the grouping to receive credit. 




Competition Introduction Certification – challenge process

CI Evaluation - U14AA (HC only), U16A/AA & U19A/AA (ALL COACHES)

CI Certified is only required if you are a Head Coach for U14AA, and for all coaches at U16A/AA, U19A/AA, and NRL.

You must be CI Trained before you can complete the certification process. The certification process involves presenting a Yearly Training Plan and Emergency Action Plan to an evaluator who will observe you at a practice which you must lead.

To register for the CI Evaluation, you must have green check marks beside the Comp Intro Pre-Clinic as well as the Comp Intro Clinic itself. If you took the old CI-1 and CI-2, email Bronwen to sort things out.

For information on the CI Evaluation process, log into your account and go to your status page. Scrolling down, you should see links to documents found underneath your CI class. Clicking on them will download – the evaluation package is found in the last chapter of the CI Coach Workbook, and you will also want to download the CI Excel Coach Workbook Template (and view the support videos if applicable). 

Evaluations are requested online through Ringette Canada’s coaching site. Once you request the evaluation and pay the fee, an email will be sent to Ringette Alberta who will match you with an evaluator. You will be put in touch with the evaluator who will work with you to find a practice that works for you both and make sure you have your documents together.

Evaluators may be able to assess more than one coach during the same practice, but each coach must register individually first. You will then be able to make arrangements with the evaluator for how many of your coaches can go through it at once.



Competition Introduction Certification – challenge process


Make Ethical Decisions (MED) Class/Webinar


The MED class/webinar/module is required for coaches to complete their pathways and be Trained or Certified. You MUST take the class before taking the online evaluation. If you have already done the online evaluation, you may have to go back and take the class. Refer to this document and check your status in your NCCP Locker profile. Check our Team Staff Requirements page as well. MED has changed in the last several years which is why coaches who completed their CSI before 2014 have done the online evaluation but not taken the class.

MED is offered directly through the NCCP/Alberta Sport, and it’s the same course as what Ringette Alberta offers. The difference is that we subsidize so the cost is $30 instead of $45. If your local association will reimburse either one, you are free to register directly through NCCP/Alberta Sport. To register through Ringette Alberta, you’ll go to your Ringette Canada coaching page and look for “Make Ethical Decisions Module (AB) Clinic” and register. If the course you were hoping for is full, register for another course that could work for you and email Bronwen to be placed on a wait list.

Note: most of these are online with a class limit of 12 coaches. There are TWO MED classes that are IN PERSON with a max capacity of 24 coaches. If these dates do not work you can check the Alberta Sport muti-sport calendar to find dates that work for you. The course is the exact same, just at full price. 



When you select “register” beside #5 it will take you to the screen below where you can select the date and location that you prefer. If nothing is showing up, make sure that the province and year are accurate.

MED Online Evaluation

Both are required, and once you do the course, the online evaluation will be accessible for FREE. If you do the evaluation first, it will cost $85 that Ringette Alberta has no control over and your local association will not reimburse, and you’ll still have to take the class ($20).

It’s found on the NCCP Locker site, make sure that the MED Class is showing in your transcript (it may take a week after the class), and under the eLearning tab, you’ll find the evaluation.

When you click one of the LTAD stages, it will take you to the screen below. If the MED CLASS date appears, then instead of seeing “pay now” at the bottom, it will simply say “begin”. 

Competition Development (Comp-Dev) multi-sport modules

Check our Team Staff Requirements page to see if you need to complete a Comp Dev multi-sport module.

We encourage all AA and NRL coaches to attend the courses in their area, though any coach is welcome to sign up.

Starting in the fall of 2020, there is no longer an incentive for Ringette Alberta to host closed Comp Dev multi-sport modules, and in fact there is a risk if the course doesn’t fill. Please look at the Alberta Sport Calendar where you can register directly. Note that if there is more than one day/date listed, it means they are BOTH part of ONE COURSE. Click on the course title to read what it’s about, confirm dates & times, and to register.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming Competition Development Trained or Certified, here is a link to the Comp Dev Pathway. Currently, it is only required for Canada Winter Games and National team coaches, but it is a future requirement for NRL coaches as well.

Safe Sport Training

CLICK HERE to REGISTER for the Comp Dev Multi-Sport modules 

There are two different options for completing a “Safe Sport” requirement. 

  1. Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders (a parent or work version will not be accepted)
  2. Coaching Association of Canada’s Safe Sport Training.

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders is often required by local associations. It’s worth 3 PD points if you go into your profile and select “allow” communication with the NCCP.

Make sure that your Respect in Sport profile page has this checked off, or it won’t show up in your NCCP Locker.

Coaching Association of Canada’s Safe Sport Training is completed directly in your NCCP Locker. It is always FREE, you go at your own pace, takes about 90 minutes, and is worth 2 PD points.

Introduction to Officiating - for Coaches

*This training is found in your Ringette Canada coaching profileyou do not need to create an officials profile.*

Due to COVID, there is a shortage of officials during the 2020-2021 season. To enable teams to continue to play games, coaches at some divisions will have to officiate. Rather than doing a full level 1 officiating course, Ringette Canada and Ringette Alberta have compromised with a few modules that will provide coaches with enough knowledge to make sure games are played safely.

At the U10 Step 3 thru U14A levels, where certified officials are not in your cohort, coaches should complete this online training. Recommended at least 1 per team. Completing all 3 of the required modules will provide coaches with PD points (how many is TBD), and it’s also a great way for coaches to be reminded of the rules and some insight into expectations of officials.

As of October 15, 2020, only the first part is available. The rest is being worked on and tested as quickly as possible, and will be communicated broadly once it’s ready.

To start/resume this training, you need to log into your Ringette Canada coaching profile. On your status page, scroll down to the very bottom where you should see this:

If you are ‘resuming’ a session, your profile may look like this:

Click either on the green checkmark or the ‘continue’, and it will open the module again. If it doesn’t automatically pop up and ask if you want to resume where you left off, it may show this screen, in which case you should click on the eLearning on the far left side, and it will take you to the module properly.

There are a few bugs in the system right now for showing everything complete, but we are working on it!