Injury Prevention Information

We understand that injuries happen in fast-paced sports such as ringette.  Below are some resources to help our athletes stay injury-free, as well as some information on what to do if an injury occurs.


Ringette Alberta Accident Claim Form- Full details including how to submit a claim can be found here.

Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport - The Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport has been developed to ensure that athletes with a suspected concussion receive timely and appropriate care, and proper management to allow them to return to their sport.

Concussion Ed App- Available from Parachute Canada, the Concussion Ed app is designed to give Canadians free access to critical concussion resources. This free mobile app was primarily developed for youth, parents and educators, but covers concussions throughout different scenarios for a wide audience. Available in English and French, Concussion Ed is organized into Prevent, Recognize, Manage and Track.

Pocket Concussion Recognition Tool- has provided this quick reference guide on how to spot a concussion

Concussion Leagacy Foundation- The Concussion Legacy Foundation believes we all have a responsibility to ensure athletes can reach their full potential on and off the field. We are committed to protecting athletes and families through research, policy, and education.


Ringette Canada’s Information on Concussion- Full details including policies, guidelines and general information

“Making Head Way”- This program, offers training and resources on how to better prepare yourself to recognize a concussion and what to do if you suspect that someone has one.

Parachute Canada- Parachute is a national, charitable organization dedicated to preventing injuries and saving lives. Our programming and advocacy efforts are designed to help Canadians reduce their risks of injury while enjoying long lives lived to the fullest.  Please take a minute to read their Statement on Concussion Baseline Testing in Canada

CAAWS- The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity is dedicated to creating an equitable and inclusive Canadian sport and physical activity system that empowers girls and women - as active participants and leaders - within and through sport. With a focus on systematic change, they partner with governments, organizations and leaders to challenge the status quo and to advance solutions that result in measurable change.

Team Up Speak Up Day- Held in Mid-September, the goal of Team Up Speak UpTM Day is for as many of them as possible to hear a simple speech. The core message: that athletes have a responsibility to report to a team leader if they notice concussion signs in a teammate.


SHRED injuries Ringette Neuromuscular Training Warm-Up Program

The SHRED injuries ringette neuromuscular training warm-up program was developed in partnership with l'Université Laval. The program was designed through a collaboration between coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, physiotherapists, players, and researchers. Our team piloted the warm-up with youth players (both male and female) of various ages and levels. Player feedback was incorporated into the current program.

Our current research is evaluating the effectiveness of this program in reducing concussions and other injuries in female youth ringette players in Alberta, Canada.

The SHRED injuries ringette neuromuscular training warm-up program includes a 'Neck control & endurance' category in addition to the four typical categories included in neuromuscular training warm-up programs (aerobic, balance, strength, and agility). Exercises within this category are aimed at preventing concussions. The warm-up program contains both off-ice (~7 mins) and on-ice (~6 mins) exercises.  The on-ice structure can be modified on game days given the short warm-up time that is typically allotted before the start of games.

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Upcoming Events

Mar. 26, 2025 to Mar. 30, 2025

Western Canadian Ringette Championships
Langley, BC

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Mar. 30, 2025 to Apr. 05, 2025

Canadian Ringette Championships
Ottawa, Ontario

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Apr. 01, 2025 9:00 AM to Apr. 30, 2025 12:00 AM


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