All associations offering U10, U12 and U14 programs (including U14AA) are required to conduct UAA testing.
Watch this how to video produced by Ringette Alberta to learn more about the UAA testing.
(NOTE: Video includes a passing and shooting test, these tests are no longer being used.)
The butterfly drill is to be used for U12 and U14 only. Do not use this for U10
The tiering policy reflects the use of UAA results. This policy, and all Ringette Alberta policies, may be found here.
Many of you have contacted Ringette Alberta looking for more guidance on whether or not to form balanced teams or teams at different levels within your association using UAA data.
To assist you, the data submission spreadsheet provides you a tentative or possible team level.
With data entered, the spreadsheet will provide an indication of a “Tentative Level”.
At U10 | At U12 | At U14 |
1 | ||
1/2 | ||
2 | C | C |
2/3 | B | B |
3 | A | A |
Target Team Ranges for 2024 (updated August 2024)
5. Submit UAA results to Ringette Alberta:
2024-25 Reports/Data
UAA 5 Year Summary Report (2016-2021)
2024-2025 UAA TEAM RESULTS- U10
2024-2025 UAA TEAM RESULTS- U12
2024-2025 UAA TEAM RESULTS- U14
2018-2023 Historical Data - Target Team Score, Target Team Range, Team Score Range- U10, U12, U14
UAA 2023 Graphs and Projected Categories Plus Historical Cut Points
2022-23 Reports/Data (historical)
UAA 5 Year Summary Report (2016-2021)
2023-2024 UAA TEAM RESULTS- U10
2023-2024 UAA TEAM RESULTS- U12
2023-2024 UAA TEAM RESULTS- U14
2018-2023 Historical Data - Target Team Score, Target Team Range, Team Score Range- U10, U12, U14
UAA 2023 Graphs and Projected Categories Plus Historical Cut Points
In the past, teams were tiered based on a formula that assumed associations would have a predictable number of teams at various levels every season. This has not always been the most reliable way to assign teams to levels (tiers) and therefore match teams for competitive equity.
There were far too many lopsided games between teams that were supposed to be at the same level. There is no developmental benefit for having these meaningless, lopsided games and they were certainly not helping our sport keep players in the game.
In the earlier years, (U10, U12, and U14) the largest factor differentiating players from one another is how far along each is in skating development. While skating ability will always be the primary foundation for success in ringette, as the differences in skating ability become narrower in later years, other factors increase in significance making, we assume, the UAA results less reliable.
This is an assumption however as we haven’t tested this. Perhaps with some experience with the younger groups for a few years, we’ll do some research into how UAA may be used for the older groups.
The video also provides key points for each test explains what happens when players fall, have false starts, etc.
These tests are all hand-timed. Hand timing has proven to be sufficiently reliable to address the competitive equity goal of UAA. Hand timing has a higher error rate than electronic timing systems, however, analysis of the data from the pilot project showed hand timing had no adverse effect on the reliability of the results.
Hand timing was chosen for its simplicity and cost compared to electronic timing systems.
Firstly, you should consider this testing to be as important as any other assessment/evaluation sessions your association may offer. Every effort should be made to have your child attend.
The tests are universal meaning they are the exact same drills for all applicable age groups in every association in Alberta. This means that, in rare circumstances and only with prior alternative arrangements made with your association, your child may attend a different test session within your association or even in a different association if absolutely necessary.
Failing to attend may affect which team your child is placed on (if your association uses UAA results in whole or in part for placing individual players on teams) and depending on how many players miss testing these absences will have significant consequences. Please take attendance seriously.
The athlete needs to be quick but in control. If an athlete falls during a test, they must get up quickly and continue. The time will be recorded as is; there is no “do-over”. The trial is to be completed and the time recorded.
It is important to note that every test includes multiple trials so that a slow time, based on a fall, will be mitigated. If an athlete falls multiple times, this is an indicator of her level of awareness of the appropriate trade-off between control and speed.
Every U10, U12, and U14 team must have 80% of its players tested.
If the team falls below this target, the team will automatically be placed in the next highest level within their division. For example, if a team that does not meet the 80% threshold has a team average that would make that team a B team, the team will be required to start the season at A.
If an association does not submit its testing data by the required timeline ALL teams in that association will be prohibited from attending sanctioned tournaments (U10s) or playdowns and provincials (U12, U14, U16, U19, Open)
The members of Ringette Alberta (the local associations) are overwhelmingly in favour of this method to improve competitive equity. For this method to work, all associations must get on board and that means ensuring the testing is done. If enough associations don’t bother to meet the requirements and timelines, leagues and tournaments cannot proceed with any scheduling.
Please note: testing IS NOT a team responsibility. Ensuring the testing is complete and submitted as required is the responsibility of those at the highest level of management within each association. This means your local association’s Board is responsible for ensuring these requirements are met for the benefit of all of its players.
Analysis of the data from the pilot project, showed there IS a strong correlation between how individual athletes tested and what teams they were placed on however, most associations preferred not to use the UAA testing as the only measure.
Additionally, when Ringette Canada’s Athlete Development Matrix is complete, it will provide us a more comprehensive guide on what benchmarks are appropriate to use to place athletes in training groups. Until that time, Ringette Alberta has no requirement that any standardized tests are used for placing individuals on teams.
Check with your association to determine if / how UAA results impact placing individuals on teams.
This depends on your association. You should check with them directly to understand how / if UAA is a factor in team formation.
Children grow and develop at different rates so how your child compares to others at this moment in time is a very poor indicator of how they will compare in the future so don’t worry about making comparisons now. If you must, do that when they’re 25.
DO NOT go looking for information on how other players have scored in order to compare your child’s results with the idea that this is an indication of your child’s potential.
And definitely, DO NOT use the UAA data to make arguments why one child should be on a particular team vs another. This is not the purpose of UAA.
Absolutely! This is highly recommended.
In fact, to be fair to the players, as per the instructions given in the pilot, players should NOT be tested the first time they step on the ice for the season, especially players who have not completed testing before. Testing too early is problematic.
The less ice time you give your players at the start of the season prior to testing to get their “ice legs” the less reliable the tests will be at measuring their true performance.
The error rate for hand timing has been accounted for; it is not a factor in establishing competitive equity between teams. If your association does not trust individuals who are doing the timing to do it honestly, you can always add one or two impartial and secret timers / recorders to “keep people honest”. This is likely less of a financial burden than hiring an external company.
To ensure even more impartiality and to ensure you have a sufficient number of volunteers, you may wish to use the approach described above with the parents of one level doing the testing for another.
You may also wish to team up with a nearby association where you share volunteers so that each test event has volunteers from both associations - that will keep people honest.
Option 2 - Place them in U10 and keep in mind if they aren’t tested (if that is your preference) they will be factored into the minimum 80% requirement. Team scores will be calculated and, for those with less than 80% of their athletes tested will be placed in the next highest level within their division.
Once the data is evaluated by a 3rd party statistician and returned to Ringette Alberta/League Directors with recommended cut lines for each tier, it is then up to the League Directors (123 and Black Gold) to determine if the team will remain in the declared tier. The League Director will communicate with the Associations on the tier movements. Ringette Alberta recommends team placement in the tiers each season based on the UAA data but there are extenuating circumstances where a team could remain where they declare (ie goaltending).
There are strong trends in the cut lines for each tier since UAA started 3 years ago. With that said, Ringette Alberta strongly recommends Associations build teams with prior year UAA cut lines in mind
Western Canadian Ringette Championships
Langley, BC
Canadian Ringette Championships
Ottawa, Ontario